The difference between cuticle nippers and nail nippers is small, compact and thin for easy-to-use. In contrast, nail nippers are larger and thicker to press on harder, thicker layers of nails. Therefore, using cuticle nippers for nails will make it less sharper and cause damage or separation of blades.
Along with cuticle nippers and nail nippers, Nghia Nippers also produces other products such as tweezers, hair scissors, eyebrow scissors, dot markers, nail clippers, nail files, styrofoam slippers, cuticle pushers and other supporting tools for manicure.
Commodity symbols on the package is to help customers easily identify each specific type and separate product groups. For example: Symbol: C: cuticle, N: nail, P: pusher, T: tweezer, ES: eyebrow scissors ...
There are 3 types of blades of nippers:
-12 (equivalent to 4 mm) is short blade
- 14 (equivalent to 5.5mm) is medium blade,
- 16 (6.5mm) is long blade.
Inside, blades 14 and 16 help users cut hand or feet cuticle on the outer easily. For blade 12, it helps users cut small corners or narrow corners of hand or feet cuticle.
There are 5 steps to preserve nippers
- Clean dust with Acetone after use;
- Dip ¼ of nippers blade into rust protection oil;
- Put machine oil into nippers to lubricate;
- Attach the protective tube to the nippers, store in a dry place;
- Avoid touching the blade or fall on the ground;
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Nghia Nippers’ products do not contain ingredients that are harmful to consumers' health.
- To ensure hygiene and prevent infectious diseases through blood or skin contact, customers should equip yourself with a separate set of nippers.
- Clean and disinfect before use.
- Shaggy, unevenly thick nails: soak nails in mineral water to soften the horny layer on the nails, use a toothbrush or nail brush to gently rub on the nails.
- Apply nail cream that contains glycolic acid if the nail surface is peeling off.
- If nails grow slowly, apply gelatin and amino acid mixture on nails, mix with lubricating cream with pentrolemun to lubricate and massage on the skin around the nails..
- For dull nails, use a brush and toothpaste to gently rub the surface of nails.
If you are living in the US, you may contact Nghia Nippers’ branch directly at 10712 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92843.
Phone: 1-714-636-3558.
Online shopping at

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